أفضل قنوات التليجرام لمختلف المجالات
قنوات تساعدك بكل سهولة على الوصول للمصادر التعليمية و الوظائف و النصائح المهنية و المنح الدراسية
كورس اون لاين مجانا لتعلم Taylor Diagram Taylor diagrams provide "a concise statistical summary of how well patterns match each other in terms of their correlation, their root-mean-square difference and the ratio of their variances." Additional information such as percent bias can be added to the conventional Taylor diagram (see below). The Taylor Diagram indicates the baseline observed point where correlation is 1 and CRMSE is 0 (purple color). If the simulation point is close to the observed point, it means that they are similar in terms of standard deviation, their correlation is high, and their CRMSE is close to zero